Friday, March 30, 2012

Gross #21 (Beautiful)

Miss Coral Rose: You are so beautiful.
Collin: Yeah, but I'm ugly on the inside.

Gross #20 (Butthole Hands)

The other day, I came straight to work the home of some dude I slept with. I asked a friend to come smell me because I was pretty sure I smelled like butthole, but she said I smelled fine. Then I realized it was my hands. My hands smelled so much like butthole.

I spent the entire day trying to wash my hands vigorously enough to get rid of the smell of butthole. Toward the end of the day, I accidentally put my hand near somebody's face and she started to cough a lot, but politely avoided mentioning it.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Bowling Alley Attendant

After ordering my third dollar hot dog from the man working the food counter at the bowling alley, he looked at me and said, "Wow. I think your girls might turn into a hot dog!"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Gross #20 (Coral's butthole)

Last week, my friend Jeremy bleached my friend Coral's asshole. He sent me this picture with a caption that said "It's winking at me."

Saturday, January 8, 2011

New life, new awful.

I have just moved from a town which I hated more with each passing day, to one where I think I can actually have a genuinely not-awful life. However, no transition can be fully seamless. There are two parts to this story: me doing stupid stuff, and a strange person being very strange.

My second day in town was New Year's Eve, which I spent trying to be as drunk and happily raucous as possible. I think I succeeded: after trolling bars and funk concerts with my cousin for a person - any person - to kiss at midnight, I wound up at a party being thrown by no one I knew, accompanied only by my cousin and a couple of friends. I managed, in my drunken stupor, to find and sidle up to the only attractive, available, AND straight man at the party. Within ten minutes we were making out. Within forty minutes, my cousin had given up on getting my attention and decided to walk the long several miles home himself. Shortly thereafter, I was trying to convince my new friend to ditch his friends and his little sister to come home with me. He gave me his number anyway.

The next day, I already had my very first date in my new town. It was not with New Year's Eve Guy; it was arranged on the dating website I'd joined the day I arrived here. Excited by the possibilities of meeting as many new people as possible (likely in an attempt to mentally drown some of the truly awful people I'd left behind), I did not find it at all strange that a person I'd been talking to for all of twenty minutes combined wanted to meet me so soon. So, I show up at the generic bar I'd been asked to go to, having been told by my date that it was the most decent place he could go at the moment, since he didn't drive and it was walking distance from his place.

I wait for fifteen minutes, and no one has turned up. In the meanwhile, New Year's Eve Guy texts me to see if I'd like to hang out with him. Already becoming annoyed by my date's lateness, I tell him that I'm busy at the moment, but that I might be able to see him later that evening. I text my date to tell him that I'm sitting at the end of the bar. Five minutes later, he responds "Coming, coming." This angers me, so I do what any awful person would: text her friend exactly what is happening. The conversation went as follows.

Me: Date is now obnoxiously late, but says he's on his way, and a cuter boy is texting me to hang out. Make obnoxious pay for my pre-gaming for hottie? Yup. Happening.
Response: Haha niiiice.

Except, the response is not from my comrade-in-awful. It is from New Year's Eve Guy, who I have just accidentally revealed myself to. The conversation continues.

Me: That was NOT meant for you.
NYEG: Too late!
Me: At least you know I like you better? Seriously, who makes a girl wait for 40 minutes?
NYEG: What a shmuck
Me: Agreed. Would you still be okay with hanging out despite my hilarious faux-pas?

He agrees. I close out my tab (which consists of me ordering an Abita root beer to go, simply so that I can tip the bartender for serving me nothing but pints of water for the past 45 minutes), text Obnoxious that I've decided to leave, and meet NYEG at a different bar. We proceed to have a great time, until I get some odd texts.

Obnoxious: Fuck i got into a wreck.
Me: Shit, are you okay? I already left but I hope it's not too bad.

No response. I show NYEG; he already knows what was happening, might as well let him in on the rest. We both express our confusion (remember, kids: Obnoxious supposedly doesn't drive), awkward-feeling, and guilt for not really understanding or caring too much.

Later, at 1 am, after me and NYEG have been spending the last handful of hours having a great time together, the following text arrives.

Obnoxious: I just left hospital and have no way to get home. What a night.

I don't respond, because I don't really know what to say. NYEG and I are confused. Does he expect me, a total stranger, to help him out? Doesn't he have anyone else to help him? Why did he leave if he can't get home? We are obviously both awful people for speculating on this so much and not really caring about it; maybe that's why we were hitting it off.

But then! Exactly half an hour after that, at 1:30 am...

Obnoxious: Well im home. Sorry about the sudden accident and i hope i can still meet you

He cannot still meet me. I am having a good time with someone else who does not seem to be a very confused person. I mean, how did he get home so quickly, when only a half hour ago he had no way to get home?

Feeling a bit guilty about all this, I text Obnoxious the next day asking if he's okay. He basically says it's pretty minor, and I debate whether to respond, thinking that even if this bad thing did happen to him, there's something very strange about it all. Lo and behold, before I've even come to a decision, he texts me just a few minutes later.

Obnoxious: Hey whats up? Would you like to do something next week or something?

"Hey whats up?" Why do you have to greet me right now? Weren't we just kind of having a conversation already? I don't respond. Mere hours later, he texts again: "Guess not, good luck."

I am very, very annoyed by passive aggression, and decide to write this person off totally. Unfortunately, he is not done with me. The next day, he sees me online on the dating website and instant messages me.

Obnoxious: yo
Me: hey, how are you feeling?
Obnoxious: good, did you get my texts?

Pro-tip, people of the world: DO NOT write off my attempt to be nice and ask you about your health after your supposed minor hospital stint in order to hassle me - AGAIN - about not giving you attention. I give a bullshit reason for not responding, and blow off his next attempts to make plans with me.

The next day, he messages me again, with a simple "sup." I do not respond. The following day, he messages me saying, without preamble, "lets do something."

Clearly, this person does not get the picture. I no longer feel bad about not feeling bad enough about his accident, and now I actually seriously doubt that ever happened in the first place.

The day after "lets do something" I get another message. It says, "do you have a chance to talk? i'm having a bad day."

I do not have a chance to talk, I don't know you, and I don't care. That is all.

P.S. Obnoxious says he was in this band I like called Deer Tick, but the entire internet is unable to confirm this claim.